Start Date
17 June -  
End Date
27 June 2024
Photographer Ehsan Hazaveh - presented by ChangeMakers Resettlement Forum
Main Image
Poster for 'Everyday People". Photograph by Eshan Hazaveh, a portrait of a person from a refugee back ground at home in their living room.
Opening Hours
Tuesday 18 - Friday 21 June: 11am-6pm
Saturday 22 June: 10am - 4pm
Monday 24 - Thursday 27 June: 11am-6pm

The Everyday People photo exhibition is presented by ChangeMakers Resettlement Forum as part of the World Refugee Week celebrations.

ChangeMakers is a grassroots refugee led NGO which works to support the full participation of refugee background communities in life here in Aotearoa New Zealand. While the media often portrays the refugee community as helpless and dependent, this exhibition aims to change that narrative. Through a series of captivating photographs by Ehsan Hazaveh, we are privileged to share in the daily lives and quiet moments of Wellingtonians from refugee backgrounds as they work, study, play and spend time with friends and family. This exhibition represents people from diverse ethnic and sociocultural backgrounds, and showcases how they, (each in their own way) participate, contribute, and enrich societal life in Aotearoa. We sincerely thank those people of refugee background who have participated in the development of this exhibition.

Read more about ChangeMakers Resettlement Forum

Facebook: Changemakers Resettlement Forum