This exhibition is about Dementia & Art
The Artworks tell a story of an artist daughter supporting her artist mother through a journey together.
The artist laid sheets of paper down in a space with little light, poured on water but couldn’t really see the water, she couldn’t really see where she used a wide flat brush to move the water around, She guessed where it was, she dropped black fluid paint into the water that couldn’t really see. And then she walked away.
This mirrored how the artist felt about the situation she and her mother were in, they couldn’t see the future and they felt they had no control over the outcome.
Painting helped make sense of it all.
Many people share this journey of dementia with a loved one.
Dementia touches so many people. It is important to talk about dementia. This exhibition is an opportunity for discussion in a community venue about dementia, around a core of art and wellbeing.