"Apply" came as an idea to engage with the audience through our own and collaborative work, to create and achieve something that would inform and engage the community in the dialogue; we really enjoy working together. This exhibition is a showcase of practise and an invitation to learn and enquire.
Gill - My creativity is driven by lack of personal direction when I became unwell. “ I offend my own definition of an artist. I am an object maker and idea generator. I question the need for art to be beautiful or perfect--- I like and require some social comment to flow from my creations. I consider my work, ideas that I throw to the universe for others (more skilled and dedicated), to explore and grow.”
Aleksandra - My creativity is driven by nature my life force, my muse. Process of making and creative thinking is what interests me. I am a mixed media artist, creative process knows no bounds, a kind of originality that knows no limits.