Start Date
29 April -  
End Date
5 May 2024
Tom Bell, Liam McCartan and Mike Todd
Main Image
Poster for 'No Rhyme No Reason'. Tom Bell, Liam McCartan and Mike Todd. Looney Toons cats dressed as a samurai exploding upward in a shower of pot leaves.
Opening Hours
Tuesday - Sunday: 11am - 6 pm

No Rhyme No Reason is an amalgamation of three friends who share a similar passion for painting.

Delve into whimsical realms inspired by a cocktail of cartoons and comics, where childhood nostalgia intertwines with a modern application and wink and nod to the absurd. Explore the intricate beauty of Japanese motifs meticulously hand-painted, each piece a testament to tradition and craftmanship which whisper ancient tales from their sturdy confines.

Experience the dynamic energy of Japanese themes bought to life with vivid hues and inspiration drawn from a devotion to the tattooing elements and applied using the vibrant hues of Copic markers which bring the pieces to life in a riot of colour.

Together, the collective works invite you to participate on an exploration of shared imagination, an exception from convention, and ride the wave through our eclectic art exhibition. There is no rhyme, no reason’, just a dash of irreverence.



Tom Bell: @tombellgraphics

Liam McCartan: @nachostudios1

Mike Todd: @miketoddtattoo


#handpainted #nzartist #wellingtonart