A collective of industry professionals and freelancers showcasing our personal projects beyond the workplace! Non Disclosed Artist 2024 ventures into the unknown, exploring worlds beyond our universe and alternate realities.
Dana Franklin . Reynold Tagore . Skye Liu . Elaine Chong . Eva Hu . Jerome Moo . Priten Patel . Ludo Mortuus . Amit Dutta . Marnus Nagel . Andrew McCulloch . Victor Sanz Fernandez . Noah Forman . Ivan Vegar . Chantal McIlraith . Matt Katz . Hajnalka Mayor . Clark Roworth . Andreja Vuckovic . Marie Tricart . Sam Balzer . Myriam Catrin . Steven Saunders
Q and A + sculpting and painting demonstration
Wednesday 18 September
Q and A + sculpting and painting demo
Saturday 21 September
Website: www.nondisclosedartist.co.nz
Instagram: @nondisclosedartist
#NonDisclosedArtist #NonDisclosedArtist2024 #NDA #NZartist #Space #Aliens #FantasyArt #Sculpture