On Now

Start Date
16 September -  
End Date
22 September 2024
Industry professionals and freelancers showcasing personal projects
Main Image
Poster for Non Disclosed Artist. Feature image is a realistic 3D model by Hajnalka Major. An elfin-faced person (complete with real hair and cloth cowl) sits cross legged and holding a sketching pencil.
Opening Hours
Tuesday-Sunday: 9am-5pm

A collective of industry professionals and freelancers showcasing our personal projects beyond the workplace! Non Disclosed Artist 2024 ventures into the unknown, exploring worlds beyond our universe and alternate realities.


Dana Franklin . Reynold Tagore . Skye Liu . Elaine Chong . Eva Hu . Jerome Moo . Priten Patel . Ludo Mortuus . Amit Dutta . Marnus Nagel . Andrew McCulloch . Victor Sanz Fernandez . Noah Forman . Ivan Vegar . Chantal McIlraith . Matt Katz . Hajnalka Mayor . Clark Roworth . Andreja Vuckovic . Marie Tricart . Sam Balzer . Myriam Catrin . Steven Saunders



Q and A + sculpting and painting demonstration
Wednesday 18 September

Q and A + sculpting and painting demo
Saturday 21 September



Website: www.nondisclosedartist.co.nz
Instagram: @nondisclosedartist

#NonDisclosedArtist #NonDisclosedArtist2024 #NDA #NZartist #Space #Aliens #FantasyArt #Sculpture

Up Next

Start Date
23 September -  
End Date
29 September 2024
Andy Spain, Athfield Architects, Te Kāhui Whaihanga NZIA Wellington Branch
Main Image
George Porter with circles copy
Opening Hours
Tuesday - Sunday: 9am -6pm

This event is part of the Aotearoa Festival of Architecture, by Te Kāhui Whaihanga New Zealand Institute of Architects.

When Kaikoura shook, photographer Andy Spain got Wellington's list of earthquake prone buildings and started photographing them. The idea of fixing time became appealing, as many of the buildings were demolished. When asked to exhibit them together however, Andy began to ask what these remnants meant.

He visited the petals saved from Athfield's church of First Church of Christ Scientist and saw their fragility. He talked to architects about remedial work which never saw the light of day.

What were the consequences of all these traces existing in a time when the fates of many Wellington buildings are so contested? Where heritage competes with social housing, which competes with sustainable reuse, and so on.

So, this exhibition is not about the photographs that have been taken, or the drawings drawn, or the artworks saved. It is about how we decide to use these remnants, and what stories we want them to tell.



PUBLIC TALK - A Rather Queer Cuba Street

Saturday 28 September, 1 - 2pm

Cuba Street has a long history of being home to a diversity of businesses and organisations related to Takatāpui Rainbow+ communities. From the Club Exotique strip club, to the Royal Oak hotel, to Jacquie Grant’s pet shop with the masturbans monkey. While most of these establishments don’t exist anymore, some of the buildings still do – echoing a very queer past. Join the team from PrideNZ for a virtual 1-hour walk up Cuba Street, stepping into sometimes imaginary doorways, to hear first-hand stories told with voices from the PrideNZ audio collection.




Andy Spain @andyspain_photography
New Zealand Institute of Architects Wellington Branch @nzia_wellington
Athfield Architects @athfieldarchitects

Start Date
30 September -  
End Date
6 October 2024
Wellington schools and community groups
Main Image
A wall of origami paper cranes. Part of Tūmanako! Children's Artworks for Peace
Opening Hours
Tuesday: 11am - 3pm
Wednesday: 11am - 6pm EVENING
Thursday: 11am - 3pm
Saturday & Sunday: 12 - 3pm

Tūmanako! (Hope!) is a yearly art exhibition for children and young people to express their hopes for an inclusive Aotearoa where all lives are valued, and to support a nuclear-free world. In times of conflict and division, Tūmanako! helps them learn about the root causes of violence and encourages peace.

Organised by SGINZ and supported by Wellington City Council, the exhibition was opened at Johnsonville Library Waitohi in August and is now coming to the city to be displayed across two neighbouring galleries: Thistle Hall Community Gallery and Te Whare Manaaki o Toda peace gallery - come and visit them both!

This year’s theme is inspired by a whakataukī:

Kotahi te kākano whakaaro, he nui ngā hua o te rākau houhou rongo.
One seed of thought grows the forest of peace.



Website: Tūmanako! - Children's Art Works for Peace
Email: gallery@sginz.org
Instagram: @sgiwellington