Anti-bypass poster, 2004
photo of Freedom Shop on Cuba St
Photo of Thistle Hall
Graffiti of 'No More Roads Please', Upper Cuba Street, 1996
Photo of Thistle Hall
Photo of mural and graffiti on Thistle Hall, 1986
Photo of Arthur St, looking East, 1986
Newspaper article for Rock Against Racism gig, Thistle Hall, 1981
Photo of Eli from Smut performing at Thistle Hall
Photo of children playing outside Star Stores, below Thistle Hall, in the 1940's
What's On
Regular Activities
Free yoga with Lauren
Lauren Strpko lauren@laurenstrpko.com / 022 073 8551
Free vinyasa yoga for all levels. BYO yoga mat.
Classes are a flowing, athletic style with sun salutations, strength poses, balancing, focused stretches and a bit of chill time at the end. Other movement styles, like pilates, strength training, dance, and mobility are often mixed in, too. Each class has its own flavour and focus, and is set to fun modern music. The teacher participates and demonstrates for the entire class, so you don't have to know the lingo, and you won't be physically adjusted, corrected or assisted by the teacher.
https://www.laurenstrpko.com for more information and online bookings.
Krav Maga Self Defence for The Community
We teach people awareness, de-escalation, legal rights/responsibilities, fitness, conditioning, how to fight back, how to use your voice, how to escape various holds, grabs, weapon threats, attacks, etc. We offer this training in an upbeat, friendly, open and welcoming, supportive and fun club culture and environment. We offer the most experienced, most pressure-tested and realistic self defence training in all of Wellington. Operating since 2008.
Students who are interested are encouraged to join at the start of each school term.
Foundations Class: 5:30 - 7pm
Women's Class: 7 - 8pm
Capoeira Angola Wellington
Teaching the Brazilian dance and martial art known as Capoeira. We are part of an international school called 'Semente do jogo de Angola' which is run by Brazilian master, Mestre Jogo de Dentro.
Never Stop Dancing
Virginia Keast: virginia@neverstopdancing.co.nz / 027 6403595
Never Stop Dancing dance fitness classes are all about MUSIC you LOVE, MOVES you can master, FRIENDLY people, and genuinely FUN fitness.
Heta Timu: htimu@hotmail.com / 021 503 512
Core Connexion on the Open Floor Dance
Ingrid Kölle: dance@coreconnexion.co.nz / 021 265 9027
Participants are guided to listen to and sense their bodies and give expression to their own individual movements, to dance the dance that only they can dance. A great variety of music and rhythms will inspire slow and internal dances as well as wild and exuberant ones. Doing this together creates community, an opportunity to commune with self and with each other – getting to know yourself a bit better and having fun along the way. Come play! No experience necessary, every 'body' is welcome.
Good Yarns
Maddie Bowles: mabbie.bowles@gmail.com
This is a knitting group where you can do some knitting, eat some biscuits, have some chats, make some friends, more information here; www.meetup.com/Good-Yarns/
Wellington Classical Guitar Society
Richard Croad: richard.croad@gmail.com
Classical guitar ensemble playing by members, solo playing by members, and sometimes a short concert by an invited guest or members of the Society.
The purposes of the Society are to:
(a) Provide a forum for people of all ages who enjoy classical guitar to meet, play, and listen to classical guitar music through Member’s meetings, performances, concerts, courses, workshops, and the like;
(b) Assist, establish, and promote performances, speakers, concerts, and workshops by local, national, and international artists;
(c) Give Members opportunities to broaden their classical guitar skills and knowledge;
(d) Provide an environment to play and learn about other instruments compatible with classical guitar, including voice;
(e) Assist, establish, and promote competitions and examinations for guitarists;
(f) Foster contact with other guitar societies and organizations;
(g) Undertake other activities helpful to the above purposes.
Need to learn first aid skills for your work, family or community? Join our informative & interactive First Aid courses at Thistle Hall!
For course information and bookings, please click HERE.
MediTrain is a Private Training Establishment (PTE) registered with NZQA and have been providing quality first aid courses to communities and businesses for over 30 years. We offer Comprehensive Workplace First Aid, Comprehensive Childcare First Aid (US 6400, 6401 and 6402), Basic Workplace First Aid (US 6401 and 6402), Recertification and CPR (US6402), and all these courses take only ONE DAY with self-study.
Or please contact us and we are always happy to assist you;
Wellington Regional Manager: peter@meditrain.co.nz Ph: 04 242 0302
Website: www.meditrain.co.nz/wellington-home
Facebook: MediTrain Wellington
First Aid skills and knowledge save lives, and we are passionate to deliver quality courses to make our communities safer!